Industry News

PT. Gapura Raya Sales Office Number 20 in Riau - September 2012

On 17 September 2012, Northern Sumatra Regional Manager Mr. Wiyono opened PT. Gapura Raya's 20th sales office in Pekan Baru. The decision was finally made after twelve months postponement. Although the company's sales people have been stationed in the region for over two years, sales figures have been somewhat unstable with some months showing little sales. Over the past twelve months however sales have shown strong growth with some months almost equaling to that of Medan. As industries continue to grow in the region, it is expected that the Pekan Baru office will also continue to grow in the foreseeable future. The new sales office is expected to be a major contributor to the company's total national sales figures.

Head of Marketing Communications PT Schneider Indonesia Donald Situmorang mengatakan, bila dilihat dari penyebab kebakaran gedung yang terjadi di Jakarta, mayoritas memang disebabkan hubungan arus pendek. "Data dari pemerintah menyebutkan hampir 70 persen kasus kebakaran gedung itu disebabkan korsleting listrik," kata Donald menjawab pertanyaan, Kamis (1/2/2018).

Data Dinas Penanggulangan Kebakaran dan Penyelamatan DKI Jakarta yang dikutip dari BBC Indonesia, menunjukkan, dari 780 gedung bertingkat, hanya 558 gedung yang telah memenuhi persyaratan keamanan hingga akhir 2017. Sisanya, sebanyak 222 gedung atau 28% belum memenuhi. "Itu kaitannya dengan pencegahan (kebakaran)," kata Kepala Dinas Penanggulangan Kebakaran dan Penyelamatan DKI Jakarta Subejo, Selasa (16/1/2018).


Dozens of workers at a fireworks factory at an industrial complex in Tangerang (Banten Province) were killed on Thursday morning (26/10) after two explosions caused a massive fire. At least 47 lives were ended, while dozens were injured. Reportedly, a total of 103 workers were active at the firecracker factory, hence the death toll could rise further. The fire has been brought under control.

The first explosion was heard at around 10:00 am local Jakarta time on Thursday morning (26/10), followed by another explosion about three hours later. The power of the first explosion as well as the subsequent fire caused the roof of the factory to collapse. There are no reports yet about the cause of the explosions.

Based on reports circulating in local media, the fireworks factory had only been running for six months. The majority of workers at the factory are female, mostly casual workers without contracts. Indonesia has poor fire-safety standards and industrial fires are not uncommon.


In response to the fire at Central Jakarta’s Senen market, the Jakarta administration has vowed to thoroughly audit the safety of all of the city’s markets.

Acting Jakarta governor Sumarsono said on Friday that he had ordered the authorities to assess safety conditions at all market buildings, especially those of city-owned companies, including developer PT Pembangunan Jaya and market operator PT Pasar Jaya.

Sumarsono said constructions that had the Building Worthiness Certificate (SLF) usually had fire safety equipment, such as water sprinklers and fire extinguishers.


Dengan terbitnya, Peraturan Gubernur (Pergub) DKI No. 143 tahun 2016 tentang Manajemen Keselamatan Kebakaran Gedung dan Manajemen Keselamatan Kebakaran Lingkungan, maka setiap gedung bertingkat yang memiliki penghuni minimal 500 orang wajib merekrut Fire Safety Manager atau Penyelia Keamanan Kebakaran.

Fire Safety Manager, merupakan orang-orang yang telah mengikuti pelatihan yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Diklat Profesi (LDP). Mereka akan menerima sertifikat sebagai fire safety manager setelah lulus ujian yang digelar LDP. Sertifikat akan dikeluarkan oleh Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP). Selanjutnya sertifikat tersebut didaftarkan ke Dinas Penanggulangan Kebakaran dan Penyelamatan DKI.

Hal ini penting dilakukan, mengingat Kota Jakarta merupakan salah satu daerah di Indonesia dengan tingkat kebakaran yang tinggi. Sampai pada 15 September 2016, sudah terjadi 845 kejadian kebakaran dengan total kerugian sebesar Rp 173.716.100.000. Dengan tingkat kebakaran yang tinggi ini mendorong Pemerintah Provinsi DKI untuk menerbitkan Peraturan Gubernur tersebut. Peraturan yang merupakan turunan dari Perda 08 tahun 2008 tentang pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran tersebut terdiri dari 53 pasal ini ditetapkan pada tanggal 14 Juli 2016 lalu.

Dengan adanya peraturan baru ini membuat pengelola gedung untuk merekrut fire safety manager. Sehingga pengelola gedung dapat lebih memprioritaskan pemenuhan standar keamanan gedung dari bahaya kebakaran.

Dengan demikian pembentukan Manajemen Keselamatan Kebakaran Gedung (MKKG) adalah sebuah kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi oleh pengelola gedung. Karena itu sangat penting bagi pengelola gedung memiliki MKKG yang SDM sudah terampil menjinakkan kebakaran karena sebelumnya sudah pernah mengikuti pelatihan Emergency Response Team (ERT).

Sumber: November 2016

On 17 September 2012, Northern Sumatra Regional Manager Mr. Wiyono opened PT. Gapura Raya's 20th sales office in Pekan Baru. The decision was finally made after twelve months postponement. Although the company's sales people have been stationed in the region for over two years, sales figures have been somewhat unstable with some months showing little sales. Over the past twelve months however sales have shown strong growth with some months almost equaling to that of Medan. As industries continue to grow in the region, it is expected that the Pekan Baru office will also continue to grow in the foreseeable future. The new sales office is expected to be a major contributor to the company's total national sales figures.

As part of the company's management restructure, the directors of PT. Gapura Raya recently appointed Mr.Tony Santoso as the new National Sales Manager. The directors also appointed Mr. Surjono Sutedjo as the Inventory & Logistics Manager. The new structure also includes Tommy Prasetyo as Regional Manager for Region III covering West and Central Java, and the appointments of Bintang Purnomo, Nazarudin Azis, Jihan Amaruli, Doedy Tedjapermana and Petrus Charles as Technical Managers for the Company's respective products.

PT. Gapura Raya has further expanded its sales region by opening its 19th sales office. Located in Medan, the capital city of North Sumatra, the sales office is expected to be the third largest following Jakarta and Surabaya.

GarraLube 58 Food Grade Grease and GarraLube 580 Food Grade Machinery Oils were awarded the Halal Product Certificate from The Amercian Halal Foundation in April 2010.
The American Halal Foundation (AHF) declares that GarraLube 58 Food Grade Grease and GarraLube 580 Food Grade Machinery Oils meets the "Halal Standards" establised in accordance with Islamic Law (Syariah) and fit for Muslim comsumption anywhere in the world.

PT Gapura Raya held its national marketing gathering, the first for 2011 in Jakarta. Attended by Managers from all branches as well as Regional and Division Managers. The program included an indepth introduction to the Company's newest products from Fronius, Austria presented by Gerard Schmitt as Fronius' Sales Manager for Southeast Asia.

Mr. Utomo Umarjadi has been appointed as Commissioner of PT. Gapura Raya. The appointment follows the retirement of Mr. Peter Isman in the 13th of April 2011.

PT Gapura Raya celebrated its 46th Anniversary on February 28th 2011. The celebration was held at the Company's Head Office in Jakarta and all its offices throughout Indonesia. Highlighting the celebration was the 2010 Sales Achievement Awards.

PT Gapura Raya 2010 Highest Sales Achievement was awarded to Fachruddin from the Company's Samarinda Office. Joined the Company in Febuary 2003 and now holds the position of Supervisor in Samarinda, Kalimantan.

PT. Gapura Raya's Batam office was recently opened by the company's Regional Manager of Sumatera Mr. Wiyono.

PT. Gapura Raya is scheduled to move its office to its own premises located on the main street of Jl. Soekarno Hatta. The property is due for renovation prior the move which will take between three to six months.

Since relinquishing it distributorship of Magna Welding Alloys in February 2010, PT. Gapura Raya has taken up sole distributorship of Carboweld for the Indonesian region.
Gapura Raya has over 17 years experience in the industry. However, due to the high cost of goods and discontinued product lines, electrode sales have dropped in recent years. Gapura Raya's management is confident that distributing Carboweld products will reverse this trend.
Carboweld is a manufacturer of high quality welding alloy products. Because they manufacture in their own factory, the company guarantees consistent supply of products at a more favourable price; which will be passed on to the end user.
Carboweld products are manufactured by Carboweld Schweissmaterialien GMBH in Germany.

PT. Gapura Raya has developed its own brand of lubricant. GarraLube greases, oils, and additives have been formulated based on 35 years of technical as well as field experience in the Indonesian lubricants industry.

Made in the USA from the highest quality base oils and additives, GarraLube is designed to provide maximum protection and reduce wear of machinery and vehicles by enabling them to perform more efficiently.

The GarraLube brand is due for launch in early June 2010. On 12 March 2010, PT. Gapura Raya ceased its distributorship of Omega Lubricants.

Petrus Charles from Surabaya’s fire division was named as the top overall company salesman for 2009. Surabaya branch manager Mr. Pujianto awarded Mr. Charles with a cash prize and a fully paid family holiday during PT. Gapura Raya "45th birthday celebration.

Earlier this year, Petrus Charles was appointed to head PT. Gapura Raya fire division.

In June 2009 PT. Gapura Raya opened its office in Solo, Central Java headed by its office manager Mr. Tommy Prasetyo. In the same month, the company purchased a property in Jl. Ciliwung, Surabaya. Headed by its branch manager Mr. Pujianto, the building is now in the process of being renovated to be used as its branch office in Surabaya.
PT. Gapura Raya also purchased a property in Jl. Bringkanaya in Makassar in September 2009. The property has been renovated and is now used as the company’s branch office. The Makassar office is to be officially opened by Gapura Raya’s Director, Ms. Uraini Umarjadi in March 2010. The office is headed by its branch manager, Mr. Sudirman.
Offices in Cilegon, headed by Mr. Sudi Mulyanto and in Karawang, headed by Mr. Ranto Harianja were also opened in January 2010. The company is currently building its own office in Cilegon which is scheduled to be completed by December 2010.
PT. Gapura Raya plans to expand its operations nationally. By 2015 the company plans to have offices in 30 cities throughout the country. Currently it has 20 offices throughout Indonesia.

Established on the 27th of February 1965, PT. Gapura Raya turns 45 years old. Birthday celebration held at its head office in Jakarta was attended by guests, directors and staff. The celebration was opened by the company's founder Mr. Peter Isman. Awards were presented to numerous staff who has been with the company for over 30 years.

Complementary to its lubricants business, PT. Gapura Raya has established its new Seals Division in 2010. Under its own Gapura Raya brand, the company will be providing the highest quality packings and gaskets in accordance to its customers’ needs.